All our leaders, helpers, and trustees are volunteers. They give up their time freely for the benefit of the young people in the group. The group cannot run successfully without our fantastic volunteering team.
Volunteering needn’t mean a major commitment. Sharing your skills for just an evening or afternoon is of enormous value to the children. Joining the Board of Trustees to help run the group by attending a few evening meetings a year is another way you can help.

You may want to consider becoming a Leader, Assistant Leader, Section Assistant or Occasional Helper. This is the most rewarding way to get involved. In addition to the extensive training you receive, you’ll be opening yourself up to a wide range of new experiences and adventures that are nothing like normal life. You’ll discover new skills and make new friends, while getting a real sense of achievement from helping young people grow, expand their horizons and learn Skills for Life. It’s rewarding work on so many levels.

The most common reason for not becoming a volunteer is fear of time commitment. We welcome flexible volunteering and if you cannot help every week, perhaps an administrative role while on the train to work would suit you. Leaders typically commit two hours a week; for some of us that’s all we can give and it is greatly appreciated.
We are always looking for more volunteers to help keep the meetings running every week. In the past, we have had to cancel meetings due to a lack of adult help and we hope not to have to return to that situation. Your continued help is greatly appreciated

The next step is to get involved! You can join our Leader team from the age of 18. All you need to do is simply fill in the contact form on our Contact Page and we will be in touch to discuss your options. Buxted Scouts is an incredibly inclusive group and provides young people with skills for life!